Plazma Burst 2 • View topic (2025)

PBC is just dying but let us review the reasons before we get into the situation:

there are many reasons that have affected many people... which gave them sadness for forgetting flash games forever.. and planned to leave this community..

Flash discount:
- let's get into the main reason. it has been 10 years since now until flash death, flash just died and prevented players from playing games normally and killed people hype for playing flash games that resemble web games... blah until later... what affected is people just gave up, you know you can download SWF files and use projector with them to play but people just didn't found solutions so most of them gave up (as for PB2. a lot of members left and didn't know about the launcher, most players left this community though they know it has nothing to do with the game loss on the web, the fact that most of the contributions come on (map making.. artwork.. mods.. memes, etc) all have been forgotten when we got a surprise from Flash games been played only with downloading its own SWF which some players really doesn't have any clue knowledge about downloading SWF files cuz they just want to play so I don't blame them.)

Other games:
- now for other reasons that after the first one... after flash deaths, some people found a way to play (pb2 And some managed to play some flash games) but there are newer games that other people have discovered so they also forgot about Plazma burst 2 completely, the people who only play but doesn't know the community didn't contribute which got bored and left the game and went to other game platforms, even if u see some active people properly PBC is such an independent community rn with limited members on discord (cuz flash games dead and PBC is used to have a flash game but it ha died so few new people would join.) some people didn't liked the game too much.. or played PB2 often but wasn't interested so gone offline for long and found later that he connot play

Contributors offline:
- our community needs active contributors, so many old members got bored from the community and some of them are contributors, farewell and did not expect to affect the community cuz of him/her, a lot of members are contributors who create cool stuff and ideas who also entertain others with jokes or ideas or discussions new members who come to the game and contribute left quickly cuz of toxicity ( aka farewell for dramatic situations ) so without contributors, the activity of the community goes down right up the way... the amount of how maps nowadays been popular is quite few which pissed some new genes to make maps for feedbacks, and so back to the main reason, flash is dead so PB2 not available publicly so none would think that he was able to play maps.. most of what the offer from works are new being the same and became boring so none really send feedbacks for em...

- this is also the other main problem in the game where the amount of toxicity in Mp is fully unlimited... anyone in this game gets offended by (insult.. freekilled.. kicked... etc) leave the game cause of his/her child thoughts, u guys just realized it's a problem where only the toxic players last longer than any other players cuz he plays in most of the times (having fun with kills) and piss off players to earn the top against others in RP matches and claims RP matches as (DM) so they are allowed to kill (wtf) bad society with guest and logins and such a pointless drama where guests kick logins and logins destroy guests like we are in a war in player bases

No more Discussions for PB2 & PB2.5 been delayed:
- PB2 has died so there isn't a big deal for ideas for updates for PB2 to discuss which a lot of players now doesn't make topics for PB2, so they discuss PB2.5 on discord (but sum doesn't have discord, and PB3 didn't come out yet plus eric ignorant and he focuses on SD2D rn)... some players in PBC think that PB2.5 won't come out cuz of thoughts that the DEV doesn't care about PB2 or it's been too delayed to come out ( people who are in the community already left and didn't think they would try the game) a lot now pay attention more for SD2D, eric gurt doesnt make required updates cuz it's no big deal rn but still important cuz without it then players would get bored it would not make sense to update game in flash's death ight?


and so these are the only reasons that don't give interests for users to join PBC or stay on it until later... another small reason is the community small which there isn't enough space and usually flash games always are at the least below of the bigger games that were being released on steam and other game companies, people's mistake was to have a small community that was being made by teenagers and being supported by administrators..

like i told u flash discount was the main reason for Killing PB2 and upsetting players cuz they used to play at browsers like BRUH how dumb you are for not finding a solution but if u want then u can. but if the website was started had more sections like ( ... music.. animations, etc) then people would still view the site but it's ok, and also another fact that eric gurt and his community really was too late for everything like the donation for the website has to be done from decades nor rn where online people are inactive?

yes.. the community wasn't perfect, only pB2 game fans joined it... so get it or not... PBC won't be too popular and the PB3 series won't be good to be on steam or anywhere else if we still have this community that takes the game in the first place and will stick to it cuz PBC is a full virus of toxic players... take a look at games on steam where it doesn't really have a specific community (DOOM games have more than discord server (more than forums) so i rather vanish PBC and Put PB3 and o PBC was a mistake cuz it's hard to remove it from Pb games, PBC people are really aggressive and usually take all of the advantages against u to stay better than u. also where their people usually pays attention to drama topics cuz they are bored, you know the fact that BBC's people killed its own community by their past actions no? tell me if I'm not wrong, a lot of members left and a lot of toxic users pissed new poor players... it's because all are selfish and want to earn the top for themselves and so it was just killed and didn't last long in 2021, flash games are sensitive and it's hard to give a potential community to it..

PB3 can be on steam and I agree, but PBC should be forgotten if u want the game to be Popular. cuz Doom and other games that don't really have a specific community like PB2 had only one place.. People were able to create their own servers for these games without getting inactivity, and so if PBC was fully erased from the world so we would able to see PB3 on steam, and after later we would find that a lot of fans made their own Discord servers for PB3. killing PBC and put pb3 on steam allows topics to be on steam instead of the forums. it still not quite ensuring idea cuz if people on steam wasnt being interested in PB3 then they wont be a fan of creating discord servers for PB3 but People from Pbc could finally now create topics and make servers by themselves where people can join, have u seen any members left on discord server? well yes but fewer than PBC itself... PB3 would grow up better at steam instead of making a website to it where it has discord and not many popular members...

i think PBC is fine.. but it killed itself so it might be harmful to PB3... PBc it just not too popular.. so PB3 should be our hope... but toxic players arent allowed but it's hard to kick them from PBC aaaaaaah... watever... forget it and forget my own suggestion asddsadsd. PBC i just focced up in general cuz it had flash game only that is all, pb3 should open a new clean page where the PBC that has toxic aggressive members should go away..

Plazma Burst 2 • View topic (2025)
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